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Displaying 31 - 40 of 203- Background Check Minimum Requirements - Forum
Last ModifiedThe term Background Check is pretty vague Is there any list of checks that are required in a Background Check Do you require criminal employment education motor vehicle credit accreditation etc Or is it up to the partner what checks are included in the packages
- Is it possible to delete a Binary File via the API - Forum
Last ModifiedIs it possible to delete a Binary File via the API
- Background Check Results and Status URL - Forum
Last ModifiedHello We provide background check details to our clients by exposing a POST REST endpoint In the payload we expect XML with credentials client name password and some candidate ID How can iCIMS platform users access this endpoint When we do patches to update the background check status we can send a link Order Status InProgress Vendor Result URL BACKGROUND CHECK STATUS LINK HERE according to…
- New Integration Questions SASS - Forum
Last ModifiedI am assuming just like in the current integration we will have the option to store and associate different locations ie custnumbers and package numbers from our side to the rec These will be associated to the rec and included with the data set for the candidate background request This information is necessary to tell us what to order and where to put it In the workflow tasks once a patch state…
- All forms for a person - Forum
Last ModifiedI need to create PDF files for all forms filled out by a hire Is there a way to get a list of all of a hires forms
- vendor authentication usernamepassword for accessing API - Forum
Last ModifiedHi I got sandbox access with a usernamepasswordcustomer ID Our company is a vendor providing Partner Screening service Would the above usernamepassword to access sandbox be used as vendor authentication header in accessing iCIMS REST API Are we using the same usernamepassword to access iCIMS REST API irregardless of the various customerID What I mean by that is customerID 1234 and customerID 4567…
- Can a background check package include drugtest in the bundle - Forum
Last ModifiedHi In the API background check packageresults and drugtest packageresults is on different fieldnode Can a clientcustomer configure the bc pacakge to include both bc and drugtest and the result will be available on the bc field only Basically not use the separate drugtest feature of the API Would that cause any issue Thanks Yiping
- Maintenance - Forum
Last ModifiedHi Despite the fact that we request a JSON content via the Header `ContentType applicationjson` we receive HTML when receiving Service temporarily unavailable error Would it be possible to receive JSON as documented on httpsdevelopericimscomicimsplatformerrorhandling Best Here is what we currently receive JSONParserError 765 unexpected token at AUV Maintenance liveopsicimscom Service…
- Authentication - Forum
Last ModifiedHi Able to login to the developers portal via usernamepassword userIDsmadiraju1 However after Base64 Encoding smadiraju1PASSWORD getting api authentication error while accessing via Postman The URL is httpsapiicimscomcustomers6270jobs20181347 6270 is our customerID Below the postman output errors errorMessage Invalid Username or Password credentials provided errorCode 6
- SandBox Testing Getting You do not have permission to access this profile due to search locks - Forum
Last ModifiedHi Was able to retrieve candidate ID 2969 urlhttpsapiicimscomcustomers6271people2969 via postman After editing Candidate ID 2969 logging into the sandbox and tried to add phoneaddressschoollicense got the error You do not have permission to access this profile due to search locks while saving and as well doing a people search by typing in 2969 in the search window Again tried to retrieve…