Search Results
Displaying 11 - 20 of 203- Recruit applicant worflow - Forum
Last ModifiedWe received this question in our inbox Hello Im running into an issue attempting to search on the applicantworkflow endpoint I checked the forum and there wasnt any place for endpoint discussions Im trying to filter based on a relation field and its kicking back the following error errors errorMessage The following filter is either not valid or hidden applicantworkflowjob errorCode 5 I get this…
- iCIMS IPs - Forum
Last ModifiedWhitelisting IP Addresses for Integration Traffic US Canadian Hosting Environments Integration partners or clients who need to open their firewall for inbound SFTPHTTPHTTPS traffic from the iCIMS network should whitelist the following IP range 162247160021 Integration partners or clients who need to open their firewall for outbound SFTP traffic to ftpicimscom the iCIMS hosted SFTP server should…
- Pulling iFORMs Through API - Forum
Last ModifiedPulling iFORM IDs through the API When you are ready to pull form data through the API you can use a GET request or a POST through our search API to retrieve the form ID of the associated candidate The filter is based on the form name and the candidates iCIMS system ID The form name will be different for each iFORM so youll have four different filters to choose from based on which form you wish…
- iForm Data Get - Forum
Last ModifiedHere is an example of how to retrieve data stored on an iCIMS iForm If the field is a synced the data is stored on the platform profile field Call Type GET This is only an example of each form You will have tweak the GET for all fields Employment Application 305 URL httpsapiicimscomcustomers6271forms938515questions=…
- Meaning of jobjobposttype search field - Forum
Last ModifiedIm wondering what the search field jobjobposttype corresponds to in a Job Profile Thank you
- Problem using Search API to get list of complete forms - Forum
Last ModifiedI am trying to get a list of completed forms but having no luck When I do a GET on a form I see status Completed When I SEARCH for completed forms using the below request I get no results httpsapiicimscomcustomerssearchformssearchJson=filters name formdataformformnamevalue federalw4stvnameformdataformstatusvalueCompletedoperator= If I change the operator to = I get forms with status Completed…
- Unexpected error Rank list was null for Status ID24122 - Forum
Last ModifiedReceiving this error on the Platform Log Web Service Diagnostics Unexpected error Rank list was null for Status ID24122 Receive this error when initiating a Status Flow Update Notification Not sure what error means Also how long does iCims wait for a reply after initiating the Status Flow Update Notification thanks
- Talent Pool search criteria - Forum
Last ModifiedWhat field does talentpoolownernumber refer to Using Owner Number or Owner System ID both return an error The following filter is either not valid or hidden What is the correct filter to search Talent Pools by Owner
- Staging environment - Forum
Last ModifiedWe have completed testing of our assessment integration using the sandbox But we would also like to do some final testing of the workflow as seen from an actual recruiter and job applicants point of view from the marketplace Is this possible from the sandbox If not what options are there for preproduction testing Thanks Louis
- What is customer id in search api - Forum
Last ModifiedI want to search job or person using search api but in each api call there is customer id so can you please let me know how to find customer id to make it work