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Displaying 101 - 110 of 203- Prime Background Order Data Education Model - Forum
Last ModifiedThe Swagger document has diplomaRecevied is this the correct spelling in the JSON model or is it actually diplomaReceived
- How do get the Job Internal posting URL - Forum
Last ModifiedWere trying to find the Internal Posting URL for Job Is this able to be called via the API Are internal jobs on a separate job portal with its own unique portal number
- OfferDate not showing in the JSON results - Forum
Last ModifiedThe OfferDate for a specific user is showing as 132020 on our customer site But in the applicantworkflows api call the JSON results do not contain an OfferDate for any of the workflowIDs for this user Any idea why I cant get the OfferDate when our HP rep sees it on the iCIMS customer site Thanks
- Application complete and status change api - Forum
Last ModifiedHello Which apis should we use for application complete and status change apis as httpsassessmentsandboxicimscomicimsassess api raises 404 error also how can i requesttest icims apis using postman what is the base url for sandbox and live please share full details how to proceed my customer id is 6273
- Wont allow me to create a job post - Forum
Last ModifiedAny time I try to create a job I receive this error You do not have permission to access this profile due to search locks
- Which documentation maps RCF codes to the data model - Forum
Last ModifiedIve been given these fields to identify but I cant seem to map them to the data model definitions in this online portal Is there other data model documents that I should be looking at Job Title Title Company jcf2003 Recruiting Workflow Cost rcf2113 Source rcf2027 Title rcf2032 Grade rcf2022
- Call to retrieve data for one specific person returns 403 Forbidden - Forum
Last ModifiedI have used this API for a long time to get certain field values like this httpsapiicimscomcustomers people fields=field14636field24261workexperiencefield23767firstnamelastnameemail It has always worked in the past but now there is one personID in our system that always returns this response errors errorMessage Person is not accessible errorCode 3 All of the other people can still be…
- Retrieve activity feed - Forum
Last ModifiedHello How do I fetch all the Recruiting workflow changes that have happened for a given req and a person via an API In essence I wanted to fetch all the details displayed in the Activity Feed screen via an API thanks Hari
- Where to find condition of employment on ICIM - Forum
Last ModifiedWhich endpoint should be called to get condition of employment like required license etc
- How do we associate clientid with any customer - Forum
Last ModifiedWe are an assessment vendor and we intend to start integrating our assessments with the Application Complete Integration I am assuming we start off by fetching a clientidclientsecret combination after registering as a partner I am also assuming this gives us a sandbox customer whose jobs people candidates we can acceess using the above clientid clientSecret But eventually we want to be able to…