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Displaying 51 - 60 of 203- Difference between Seamless and Seamless Enhanced Background Check - Forum
Last ModifiedWhat is difference between Seamless and Seamless enhanced Our assumption both are same except below rest are all same even all call a Consentdisclose already done by user at iCIMS end in Seamless b No need to send email to candidate in Seamless as consent already signed c Rest all calls remains the same
- Relationship between Job and iForm - Forum
Last ModifiedTheres a onetomany relationship between personform and personjob How do I find the associated job to an specific personform or forms related to a specific personjob Is there a relationship between applicantworkflow and forms associate with that personjob
- Retrieve id for duplicate workflow - Forum
Last ModifiedHello When attempting to add a workflow if it turns out to be a duplicate the response will include the following status 16 WORKFLOWDUPLICATE Bad Request Processing of the client request would have resulted in a duplicate workflow entry I am wondering if that existing workflows id is contained anywhere in this response and I am just missing it or if at this point other work is required to find…
- JWT token - Forum
Last Modifiedhow to access apis using jwt token and which end point i need to hit to get JWT token
- Person folder filters not working - Forum
Last ModifiedI have been trying to make request to get Employees or Candidates using the search API endpoints using both GET and POST Employees GET httpsapiicimscomcustomers0000searchpeoplesearchJson= filters name personfolder value D32013 operator = Candidates GET httpsapiicimscomcustomers0000searchpeoplesearchJson= filters name personfolder value D32007 operator = I am getting the following…
- Initial Data Transfer Initiate request failing - Forum
Last Modifiedcurl i v H ContentType applicationjson H Authorization Basic abcc X POST httpsapiicimscomcustomerscustomeridprofileschannelschannelidcurrent d action initiate response errorConfiguration ErrorerrorDetailsCant view EEO associated field for profile person Gender GenderCant view EEO associated field for profile person Race RaceCant view EEO associated field for profile person Disability…
- 2 After we retrieve the profile updates successfully do we need to reset the offset value to a new value If so how to reset - Forum
Last ModifiedPlease advise us how the offset works Do we need to maintain the list offsets that we successfully processed
- What is the current maximum number of records returned per GET service - Forum
Last ModifiedWhat is the current maximum number of records returned per GET service for our customerid
- How long IDT initiate takes to complete - Forum
Last ModifiedHow long IDT initiate takes to complete typically So that we can schedule the call to status check service
- List API for applicant workflow - Forum
Last ModifiedIs there an API to fetch the list of all applicant workflow ids We need this for our integration using polling