Search Results
Displaying 91 - 100 of 203- Getting List of Profiles - Forum
Last ModifiedI need to get a list of jobs and a list of candidates that have applied for the job along with their details Reading the documentation the only way to do it is to use the search API to get the list and sending separate request for each search result to get the details Is it possible to do it in a different way preferably a single request to get the list and its details
- Recruiting WorkflowGet All status - Forum
Last ModifiedDear sirMam I want to know how i can get all recruiting candidate status Is there any API by which i can get or something else ex Interview ScheduledOffer AcceptedOffer DeclinedRejected etc I have use all status that mentioned in Recruiting models but getting few new status in API response ex Recruiter Review Reviewed Not Selected i have not found this status in iCIMS developer site I have use…
- How can I configure a Channel to create an IDT - Forum
Last ModifiedI have searched on the documentation and I havent found a detail example to configure a Channel Id to my costumer Could you please provide me an example for this
- Maximum offset on the stream - Forum
Last ModifiedIs there a way to fetch the maximum offset value available on the stream
- Paging with SearchAPI - Forum
Last Modified
- Referral Candidate Move for new Job - Forum
Last ModifiedHi I want to know that how can I found a candidate has multiple jobs application I have people Id of iCIMS Currently Im checking by ApplicationWorkFlow ==> > Search By JobId ==> > Then check each application by ApplicationId ==> Finally found candidate here Please do needful looking forward for your response Thanks
- Add source in existing iCIMS person by peopleId - Forum
Last ModifiedHi I have iCIMS people Id and I want to add source for this candidate Is there any API available by which I can update source of a candidate Can we add xyzas a source without removing the original info Can we track source by job level
- List Application Details by jobId - Forum
Last ModifiedI have jobId then How can I get all Application details and candidate details in Single API call Is this possible in iCIMS to get all details in Single API instead of get applicationid and then get Application details for each one by call multiple api Looking forward for your response
- search if specific Talent pool exists for a person - Forum
Last ModifiedI want check if a specific talent pool exists in Souring workflow for a person or not This is a combined search, example, I have a test profile in iCIMS with id 563226 and under sourcing workflows the talent poolI guess this is also called a base profile associated with this profile is 26571 Now my question is Can we check if this person563226 has a talent pool 26571 through API call and the last updated date of this talent pool26571 Please help me with the API call details by taking the above example Thanks in…
- API to CHECK if specific base profile exists for a person - Forum
Last ModifiedI want to check if a specific baseprofile exists in the Souring workflow for a person or not, Example, I have a test profile in iCIMS with id 563226 and under sourcing workflows and The base profile associated with this profile is 26571 Now my question is Can we check if this person563226 has a base profile 26571 through API call and the last updated date of the base profile26571 Please help me with the API call details by taking the above example Thanks in advance