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Displaying 61 - 70 of 203- Search API to get iforms - Forum
Last ModifiedTrying to search the iforms via api but unable to get result in search let me know how to get the forms if exists POST searchforms HTTP11 ContentType applicationjson filters name formformname value offerintakeglobal operator = Response 400 errors errorMessage The following filter is either not valid or hidden formformname errorCode 5 Let me know how we can search form based on owner…
- Form Search API - Forum
Last ModifiedIm trying to find the right filter condition to get the exact match of the form I dont know the form data id Sample Data formname OfferIntakeGlobal owner profile httpsapplyuatmicrosoftcomcustomers7929applicantworkflows386196 id 386196 value Manager 31012019 links rel self title the current form being viewed url httpsxxxxcustomersyyyformsofferintakeglobal20data97837 rel formAbout title the…
- Whitelisting IPs in ICIMS Portal - Forum
Last ModifiedWe are making REST calls from our system which internally is using microservice architecture For each call the request is raised from a different container which will have a different IP address and this process is random Instead of adding IP addresses one by one can we provide a range of IP addresses ie by specifying some subnet mask or domain address If yes in which format will it be expecting…
- Payload Scheme issue with Job Template Import - Forum
Last ModifiedWe are using httpapiicimscomcustomers1234jobs api to POST job details into ICIMS We used the same payload format which you provided in the developer resources site We are getting 4 error responses as shown in the JSON below errors errorMessage positioncategory Field is required errorCode 1 errorMessage recruiter Field is required errorCode 1 errorMessage hiringmanager Field is required…
- Onboarding iForm Data Get Json or XMl format - Forum
Last ModifiedI need an example of how to retrieve data stored on an below iCIMS iforms in Json or Xml format using API calls 1 Voluntary Self Identification of Disability Post Offer 2 Voluntary Self Identification of Veteran Status Post Offer
- Web services request per day rate limit - Forum
Last ModifiedIs there a way to increase the per day limit of web services calls from default 10000
- Is Folder structure eg listsjobfolders configurable for each client for job location and others - Forum
Last ModifiedIs Folder structure eg listsjobfolders listscompanyfolders configurable for each client for job location and others
- iForm API to PDF - Forum
Last ModifiedI am trying to pull a completed iForm in to PDF and am running into errors When i try to open the PDF I get an error that the pdf is damagd or corrupt However if I pull down the txt or doc it works fine Any suggestions
- IDT Chunck Request - Forum
Last ModifiedIDT Chunck Request Service is returning AWS S3 URL But when trying to access the AWS URL we are getting AuthorizationQueryParametersError Please advise how to download the Chunck Request
- Multiple Error Scenario - Forum
Last ModifiedHi From httpsdevelopericimscomicimsplatformerrorhandling I got to know there can be multiple messages for a failure scenario while hitting an api Could you help me with a scenario in which we may get multiple failure messages for the single request