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Displaying 71 - 80 of 203- Patch API resume pdf upload - Forum
Last ModifiedI am trying to update a resume through API I keep on getting this error errors errorMessage The Content provided as part of the request was invalid errorCode 17 I am trying to push using RESTLET client with correct credentials I tried pdf file docx file doc file I am confused as to what is required as content How do I send RAW BINARY CONTENT as mentioned in the api docs
- Patch API resume pdf upload - Forum
Last ModifiedI am trying to update a resume through API I keep on getting this error errors errorMessage The Content provided as part of the request was invalid errorCode 17 I am trying to push using RESTLET client with correct credentials I tried pdf file docx file doc file I am confused as to what is required as content How do I send RAW BINARY CONTENT as mentioned in the api docs
- How to remove a background check package from the system - Forum
Last ModifiedWe postedcreated the package but how to remove that background check package from the system Thanks Yiping Zhang
- Handling error Response - Forum
Last ModifiedAs part of integrations we are sending some custom error message for specific failure scenariosas mentioned in httpsdevelopericimscomRESTAPIErrorHandlingandReporting but not sure where we can see those error message in UI in case the request failed In UI after triggering the event I am not able to see the error messages
- Standard Video Interview Endpoints - Forum
Last ModifiedIs it possible to use 2 different endpoints for a standard video interview integration We would like to have a separate endpoint for a one way interview and a live interview
- How to get the workflow ID from an Onboard Portal Task - Forum
Last ModifiedIf I receive an Onboard Portal Task event notification and I need to access the applicants workflow to update WOTC results how can I get the applicant workflow ID
- List of LoginGroup - Forum
Last ModifiedHi Im looking for the API which gives the logingroup and its permission set for the customer Trying to build the custom Authorization based on person login group and its permission set GET customersXXapilogingroups Thanks
- Any C iForm API PUTPATCH examples - Forum
Last ModifiedEveryone Im working on an app that needs to push data back into an iForm I was able to figure out how to GET data using the Search iForms APIs Unfortunately Im having no luck with PUTing or PATCHing data back Im using WebRequest for the GET and would like to use WebRequest for the PUT Does anyone have an example they would care to share Sincerely Dale Williams
- Automating user creation in Active Directory possible - Forum
Last ModifiedHello hopefully this is the correct spot for this type of question I am looking to take advantage of the API and hopefully get the process of essentially HR checking the approved box for a hired applicant and a script powershell listens for this event then connects in to the system to gather the new employee information and create the user account in our AD I want to automate this so its out of…
- Changes to Federal W4 Values - Forum
Last ModifiedThe Federal form W4 is changing effective 112020 There are new values for Filing Status iCIMS ID = federalmaritalstatus There are also several new fields on the form Is iCIMS making changes to the values return in the Person Profile for Filing Status to support the new form Will any of the other new data from the form be available in iCIMS If so in which data object and what values will be…