Search Results
Displaying 81 - 90 of 203- Get all job applications candidate - Forum
Last ModifiedIs there a way given a job to get a list of persons candidates that applied for the job maybe filter it by date I tried using the Search API filters and I couldnt make it work Any ideas Thanks
- Candidates in Candidate ranking sandbox - Forum
Last ModifiedIn the Candidate Ranking Sandbox I can only create a job I cant search for existing jobs as in the Candidate Matching Sandbox only via the search text box at the top right of the screen I need to create candidates in order to query the job workflow of applications how can I do that Thanks
- Applicant workflow status - Forum
Last ModifiedIs it possible to get the history of the applicant workflow status without using integration events Also I see that there is an option for an admin to add remove statuses from the list can it be done in the sandbox because I dont have a hired status Is there a way to use the API to get a complete list of the applicant workflow possible statuses Thanks
- Not able to create Person profile - Forum
Last ModifiedI am trying to create a Person profile using POST see below But its not creating a Person is there anything I am missing Can someone guide me on this httpsapiicimscomcustomers9570people email testgmailcom lastname test firstname test Thanks Sai
- Internal job job post - Forum
Last ModifiedIs there anyway to make job job post internal only If so how can I recognize it from the api Or accessing the posting center via the api and get list of job boards Thanks
- Candidate application sourcing - Forum
Last ModifiedWhen a candidate applies for a job with the link to the job post is it possible to add a parameter or something similar to edit the candidate source property for example jobscandidatematchingsandboxicimscomjobIdjobTitlesource=value so when we query for the candidate we get source=value Thanks
- Is ICims down - Forum
Last ModifiedTrying to access my integration sandbox and all API requests result in these errors Sandbox Website An unexpected error was encountered while processing your request API Request errorMessage An unknown error occurred I was wondering if ICims is down or it is specific to my account Thanks Nathan
- Search API Application WorkFlow with source - Forum
Last ModifiedHow we can search application workflow with source iis key I was tried search with job id but i want to search with both jobid source Is it possible in iCIMS Looking forward for your response
- Search API Personemployeeinfo Classification Grade - Forum
Last ModifiedHow can i get employeeinfo startdate I have checked this api httpsapiicimscomcustomers searchpeople But API doest return any employee info in response It is returning basic info like firstnamelastnameemail etc Also how can i get Classification Grade Looking forward for your response
- Search Workflow based on Bin and Job ID - Forum
Last ModifiedHi All Im trying to search the all workflows candidacies based on job id and bin POST searchapplicantworkflows filters name applicantworkflowjobid value name applicantworkflowbin value Interview operator When I tried to include the bin it got the bad request as per documentation please advice what are the values in bin Apply and Interview applicantworkflowbin applicantworkflowstatus…