Error Using jobtemplateid For Single Job Template Only

General discussion

This question is related to creating jobs via the API. More specifically, creating jobs via the API using the *"jobtemplateid" field. We are seeing an error when attempting to create a job from only one particular job template. We are including the details of the API call below.

Interestingly, we can make the exact same API call in the customer's test environment (test environment is populated with data copied from production) using the same system ID in the jobtemplateid field and the call is successful.

Using Field Type Dropdown (Multi-Select Searchable List)

General discussion

I see the "Dropdown (Multi-Select Searchable List)" field type is not included in the list of supported field types on this page:

That said, we have successfully made GET calls to retrieve data from the Dropdown (Multi-Select Searchable List) field type. A sample response is below for the GET with obfuscated ID's & values.

Offer API - trying to get offers that have been created/updated after a given date

General discussion

Hi, I'm trying to extract all offers that have been created after a certain date.
POST Request:[custid]/offer/search
Headers: "Content-Type":"application/json","accept":"application/json"
"page": 1000,
"pageSize": 1000,
"sort": {
"field": "TOffer_FCreatedDate",
"direction": "asc"
"filters": {
"field": "TOffer_FCreatedDate",
"operator": "gt",
"value": ["2019-03-20T19:03:58.700Z"]

API search by phonenumnber

General discussion

I want to be able to search our candidates by their phone number, but so far I wasn't successful.
I tried both person.collectionfieldphonenumbertext & person.customfieldphonenumber.text, also without "field" string in them, but I always get "errorMessage": "The following filter is either not valid or hidden: person.customphones.text"

Is there a way to do search API on candidates by their phone number?

Search API - people - person.folder - An unknown error occurred

General discussion

When i try to use the search API to search for people and filter on person.folder i always receive the error "an known error occurred". several other filters using the same search API to find people work just fine.

is there an issue with filtering on person.folder or do i need to adjust my filters somehow so it does not produce the error?

i am using curl to run the command and my filter looks like this:

{"filters": [{"name": "person.folder", "value": ["Cand:Unreviewed"], "operator": "=" }]}