Having trouble making get requests to the search api

I am currently trying to query an endpoint using the search api and am not having any luck.

Here is the call I am attempting to run. I am running it as a Get in postman:
https://api.icims.com/customers/xxxxx/search/applicantworkflows?searchJson={"filters": [{"name": "applicantworkflow.person.firstname","value": ["Gabriel"]},{"name": "applicantworkflow.person.lastname","value": ["Soba"]}],"operator": "%26"}

When I try and run this I get the following response:
"errors": [
"errorMessage": "Error while Proxying Request",
"errorCode": 0

Is there anything wrong with my syntax? I've tried both double and single quotes.

Submitted by iCIMSUNIFIL on December 01, 2021 Permalink

applicantworkflow.person.firstname and applicantworkflow.person.lastname are not valid search criteria for applicantworkflow. You will need person ID. You can review the Search API documentation here - https://developer.icims.com/REST-API/Object-Types-Commands/Search-API

Submitted by iCIMSUNIFIL on November 22, 2022 Permalink

Error using Search API,

This is my GET request URL https://api.icims.com/customers/xxxxx/search/people?searchJSON={"filters":[{"name": "person.id","value": ["xxx"],"operator": "=="}]}

(edited) Last Updated: March 2, 2025, 8:57 AM
Submitted by iCIMSUNIFIL on December 07, 2022 Permalink


(edited) Last Updated: March 2, 2025, 8:57 AM