Retrieving onboardworkflow iforms

Does onboarding workflow allow the retrieval of iforms in the same way as retrieving iforms under the people profile?

Example if I want to retrieve a binary attachment field45709 and the iform JobDescriptionAcknowledgementOB use the fields query parameter as such


Can I do this if there's an iform in the onboarding workflow?


Submitted by JonB on January 22, 2025 Permalink

I believe you need to use the iForm API to pull the onboarding workflow iForm.

That said, I wasn't aware it was possible to pull an iForm using the call below that you shared in you original post. Can you share the response you get for JobDescriptionAcknowledgementOB using the call below? 


Submitted by AndrewA on January 24, 2025 Permalink

Hi JonB, the response back from postman is simply the absence of the attribute in the payload.

It appears icims permits you to add any value you want to the fields parameter and it ignores ones that are not valid.

Here's the output with actual values changed for privacy.


    "firstname": "Jane",

    "field45709": {

        "filename": "My secret file.pdf",

        "file": ""


    "jobtitle": "Secret Agent",

    "links": [


            "rel": "self",

            "title": "The current profile being viewed.",

            "url": ""



    "lastname": "Doe"


as a funny test, I tried adding arbitrary names and for most, icims will return a 200 and the payload minus the invalid field:

the following url produces the same results




Submitted by JonB on January 26, 2025 Permalink

Thank you for sharing the response, AndrewA.

The response you shared in your reply is what I expected due to iForms needing to be retrieved via the iForms API.