How to retrieve Emails Trails using Data Stream
Streaming APIIs there a streaming endpoint for email exchanges on profiles?
Is there a streaming endpoint for email exchanges on profiles?
Hi there, is there a way to secure data fields in the system from a Data Stream User Login Group? Can I make them Read Only/Hide fields from that Login Group?
I wanted to know if I grant access to an Stream API User, Can we leverage that to send post/patch to make updates/delete profiles?
Need help on api details for submit to workflow
Moving to another requisition
Wanted to understand more of Datastream event API, an example req & response would help. Also, are there any significant changes in payload b/w Datastream events & Legacy streaming.
When to prefer Datastream events in comparision to Legacy streaming, they both seem to offer the same functionality to fetch profile changes given an offset.
Is it possible to connect to the Data Stream API (not the Legacy Stream API) using Basic Auth or anything other than an OAuth Bearer Token.
Can you please help on what are the steps needed to enable OAuth for streaming endpoints?
Is there a way to fetch the maximum offset value available on the stream?
I have searched on the documentation and I haven't found a detail example to configure a Channel Id to my costumer. Could you please provide me an example for this?
IDT Chunck Request Service is returning AWS S3 URL. But when trying to access the AWS URL we are getting "AuthorizationQueryParametersError". Please advise how to download the Chunck Request.