Job Profile Data Model
The table below describes the different standard field types available and their representation when retrieving their values as well as the expected representations when modifying them.
Child fields are listed below their Parent field, indicated by an em dash (e.g., "— addresscity").
Click the red plus sign to the right of each row to view a field's options, if applicable.
For any field types, a null or empty string can be provided as the value to delete its value from the Profile.
For information on fields required for successful imports, please see the "Missing Required Columns" section of the What Might Cause My Import to Fail? under Imports on the File-Based Transfers page.
Click here to download an Excel file containing the information below.
Manipulating the Job Profile Using the API
Job Profiles can be created and updated using the Profiles API. The endpoint for the Job Profile is as follows:{customerId}/jobs/{jobId}
Integrations That Use This Data Model
A Job Profile can pertain to any open or closed requisition. Specific details such as location and description can be found here. Background Checks, Assessments, Video Interviewing, and Tax Credits all utilize the Job Profile data model.
WebService Field ID | Label | FlatFile Header | Type | Max | + |
accountmanager | Account Manager | jcf3109 | PERSONLINK | N/A | + |
Options: ID,Value |
additionallocations | Additional Locations | N/A | Field Group | N/A | + |
Options: N/A |
location | Location | N/A | ADDRESSLINK | N/A | + |
Options: ID,Value |
assessmenttype | Assessment Type | jcf3045 | LISTEDITOR_MULTIPLE | N/A | + |
Options: ID,Value |
bgcpackagetype | BGCheck Package | jcf3048 | LISTEDITOR_MULTIPLE | N/A | + |
Options: ID,Value |
billingcode | Billing Code | jcf3054 | LISTEDITOR_MULTIPLE | N/A | + |
Options: ID,Value |
billrate | Bill Rate | jcf3110 | SALARY | N/A | + |
Options: N/A |
bonus | Bonus | jcf3002 | TEXTFIELD | N/A | + |
Options: N/A |
commission | Commission | jcf3001 | TEXTFIELD | N/A | + |
Options: N/A |
confidence | Confidence (%) | Confidence | NUMBER | N/A | + |
Options: N/A |
costcenter | Cost Center | CostCenter | TEXTFIELD | 16 | + |
Options: N/A |
department | Department | jcf3108 | LISTEDITOR_SINGLE | N/A | + |
Options: ID,Value D37002041001,"Marketing" D37002041002,"Human Resources" D37002041003,"Finance" D37002041004,"Purchasing" D37002041005,"Sales" D37002041006,"Information Technology" D37002041007,"Information Systems" D37002041008,"Payroll" D37002041009,"Customer Support" D37002041010,"Quality Assurance" D37002041011,"Operations" D37002041012,"Customer Service" D37002041013,"Research & Development" D37002041014,"Business Development" D37002041015,"Management" D37002041016,"Engineering" |
drugscreenpackage | Drug Screening Package | jcf3052 | LISTEDITOR_MULTIPLE | N/A | + |
Options: ID,Value |
duedate | Close Date | DueDate | DATEONLY | N/A | + |
Options: N/A |
education | Education | jcf3044 | LISTEDITOR_SINGLE | N/A | + |
Options: ID,Value D37002017001,"None" D37002017002,"High School Diploma/GED" D37002017003,"Associate's Degree" D37002017004,"Bachelor's Degree" D37002017005,"Doctorate (PhD)" |
eeocategory | EEO Category | EEOCategoryLevel1 | LISTEDITOR_SINGLE | N/A | + |
Options: ID,Value D19010,"Executive/Senior Level Officials and Managers" D19011,"First/Mid-Level Officials and Managers" D19002,"Professionals" D19003,"Technicians" D19004,"Sales Workers" D19005,"Administrative Support Workers" D19006,"Craft Workers" D19007,"Operatives" D19008,"Laborers and Helpers" D19009,"Service Workers" |
enddate | End Date | jcf3043 | DATEONLY | N/A | + |
Options: N/A |
experienceyears | Min. Exp. (Yrs) | Experience | NUMBER | N/A | + |
Options: N/A |
externalid | External ID | ExternalID | TEXTFIELD | 64 | + |
Options: N/A |
fee | Fee | Fee | CURRENCY | N/A | + |
Options: N/A |
folder | Job Folder | Folder | LISTEDITOR_SINGLE | N/A | + |
Options: ID,Value D31001,"Approved" D31002,"Pending Approval" D31003,"Not Approved" D31004,"Hold" D31006,"Closed (Filled)" D31007,"Closed (Not Filled)" D31008,"Job Template" D31005,"Purge" |
hiretype | Hire Type | HireType | LISTEDITOR_SINGLE | N/A | + |
Options: ID,Value D15001,"New" D15002,"Replacement" |
hiringmanager | Hiring Manager | N/A | PERSONLINK | N/A | + |
Options: ID,Value |
incentive | Incentive | jcf3055 | CURRENCY | N/A | + |
Options: N/A |
industry | Industry | Industry | LISTEDITOR_SINGLE | N/A | + |
Options: ID,Value D17001001,"Other" |
jobapprovallist | Associated Global Approval List | JobApprovalList | APPROVALLINK | N/A | + |
Options: N/A |
jobid | ID | DisplayID | TEXTFIELD | 32 | + |
Options: N/A |
joblength | Length (Months) | ContractLength | DECIMAL | N/A | + |
Options: N/A |
joblocation | Location | N/A | ADDRESSLINK | N/A | + |
Options: ID,Value |
jobnumber | Job Code | JobNumber | TEXTFIELD | 32 | + |
Options: N/A |
jobowner | Job Owner | jcf3024 | PERSONLINK | N/A | + |
Options: ID,Value |
jobpostend | Job Post End | jcf3050 | DATEONLY | N/A | + |
Options: N/A |
jobpoststart | Job Post Start | jcf3049 | DATEONLY | N/A | + |
Options: N/A |
jobtemplate | Template | TemplateExternalID | JOBLINK | N/A | + |
Options: ID,Value |
jobtitle | Title | JobTitle | TEXTFIELD | 256 | + |
Options: N/A |
jobtype | FLSA Status | JobType | LISTEDITOR_SINGLE | N/A | + |
Options: ID,Value |
maximumsalary | Max | SalaryMax | SALARY | N/A | + |
Options: N/A |
minimumsalary | Min | SalaryMin | SALARY | N/A | + |
Options: N/A |
newhirecategory | New Hire Category | jcf3051 | PROFILELINK | N/A | + |
Options: ID,Value |
numberofpositions | # of Openings | openpositions | NUMBER | N/A | + |
Options: N/A |
offerapprovallist | Offer Approval List | N/A | APPROVALLINK | N/A | + |
Options: N/A |
offertemplatelist | Offer Template List | N/A | Field Group | N/A | + |
Options: N/A |
offertemplate | Offer Template | N/A | OFFERTEMPLATELINK | N/A | + |
Options: N/A |
overview | Overview | Overview | AUTOHTMLORTEXT | 100 | + |
Options: N/A |
percentofbase | % of Base (%) | PercentOfBase | NUMBER | N/A | + |
Options: N/A |
positioncategory | Category | PositionCategory | LISTEDITOR_SINGLE | N/A | + |
Options: ID,Value D16001,"Other" |
positionlevel | Level | PositionLevel | LISTEDITOR_SINGLE | N/A | + |
Options: ID,Value |
positiontype | Type | PositionType | LISTEDITOR_SINGLE | N/A | + |
Options: ID,Value D12001,"Regular Full-Time" D12002,"Regular Part-Time" D12003,"Temporary Full-Time" D12004,"Contract" D12008,"Intern (Full Time)" D12009,"Contract to Permanent (Full Time)" D12010,"Intern (Part Time)" D12011,"Contract to Permanent (Part Time)" |
primeassessmentspackage | Prime Assessments Package | jcf3061 | LISTEDITOR_SINGLE | N/A | + |
Options: ID,Value |
primebackgroundscreenlocation | Prime Background Screen Location | jcf3064 | LISTEDITOR_SINGLE | N/A | + |
Options: ID,Value |
primebackgroundscreenpackage | Prime Background Screen Package | jcf3063 | LISTEDITOR_SINGLE | N/A | + |
Options: ID,Value |
priority | Priority | Priority | LISTEDITOR_SINGLE | N/A | + |
Options: ID,Value D85001,"Low" D85002,"Normal" D85003,"High" |
qualifications | Qualifications | jcf3037 | AUTOHTMLORTEXT | N/A | + |
Options: N/A |
rate | Rate | ContractRate | SALARY | N/A | + |
Options: N/A |
recruiter | Recruiter | jcf3023 | PERSONLINK | N/A | + |
Options: ID,Value |
replacing | Replacing | jcf3025 | TEXTFIELD | 256 | + |
Options: N/A |
responsibilities | Responsibilities | jcf3036 | AUTOHTMLORTEXT | N/A | + |
Options: N/A |
secondaryrecruiter | Secondary Recruiter | jcf3111 | PERSONLINK | N/A | + |
Options: ID,Value |
skillset | Skillset | N/A | Field Group | N/A | + |
Options: N/A |
skill | Skill | N/A | LISTEDITOR_SINGLE | N/A | + |
Options: ID,Value |
skilllevel | Skill Level | N/A | DROPDOWN_SINGLE | N/A | + |
Options: ID,,"Unknown" ,"Beginner" ,"Intermediate" ,"Advanced" ,"Expert" |
startdate | Targeted Job Start Date | StartDate | DATEONLY | N/A | + |
Options: N/A |
talentpools | Talent Pools | N/A | Field Group | N/A | + |
Options: N/A |
talentpool | Talent Pool | N/A | PROFILELINK | N/A | + |
Options: ID,Value |
telecommute | Telecommute | jcf3060 | LISTEDITOR_SINGLE | N/A | + |
Options: ID,Value D37002050001,"Yes" D37002050002,"No" |
travel | Travel | Travel | LISTEDITOR_SINGLE | N/A | + |
Options: ID,Value D37002016001,"None" D37002016002,"10%" D37002016003,"25%" D37002016004,"50%" D37002016005,"75 %" |
videointerviewpackage | Video Interviewing Package | Video Interviewing Package | LISTEDITOR_MULTIPLE | N/A | + |
Options: ID,Value |
visa | Visa | Visa | LISTEDITOR_SINGLE | N/A | + |
Options: ID,Value D3001,"No Restrictions" D3002,"Perm Resident/Citizen only" D3003,"Citizen only" D3004,"F1 only" |